Effects of Cropping Systems, Lime Placement Methods and Rates on Sugarcane Yields and Quality under Acidified Soils of Kibos, Kenya
Jacob Omondi Omollo *
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization – Sugar Research Institute, Kisumu County, Kenya
Ernest Semu
Department of Soil and Geological Sciences, College of Agriculture, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
John Msaky
Department of Soil and Geological Sciences, College of Agriculture, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
Philip Owuor
Department of Chemistry, Maseno University, Kisumu County, Kenya
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This field study was conducted to investigate whether appropriate lime placement methods, lime rates and intercropped sugarcane with soybeans leads to amelioration of soil Ph, hence, increased yields and quality of sugarcane for plant and ratoon one crop cycles. Cambisols of the study site at Kibos, Kisumu County are acidified due to long term use of acidifying fertilizers and continuous sugarcane monoculture. Acidified soils are a constraint to crop production due to imbalance in availability of essential plant nutrients. Appropriate cropping systems and liming are therefore advocated. The field experiment design was split - split plot in randomized complete block arrangements. The factors and respective levels: The main plots were two cropping systems namely, sugarcane monoculture and also intercropped sugarcane and soybeans. The sub – plots were three lime placement methods (lime broadcasted [L-BC], lime shallow banded, 0 – 15 cm [L-SB] and lime deep banded, 15 – 30 cm (L-DB] and the sub - sub plots ; lime rates (0, 1 and 2 t ha-1). Intercropped sugarcane led to high sugarcane yields than the sugarcane monoculture for plant crop cycle. No significant effect was observed for ratoon crop harvest. Lime use caused changes on sugarcane quality [pol % cane and commercial cane sugar] for plant crop and that lime placement method [lime shallow banded] gave the highest reading while the least was for sugarcane under lime broadcasted. It is therefore concluded that liming plays a limited role on the direct effect on sugarcane yield. Liming only plays a significant and direct role on amelioration of soil acidity and nutrient transformations. Liming should be integrated with other cropping and nutrient management strategies for increased yields.
Keywords: Soil acidity, lime rates, lime placements, sugarcane yields