Sustaining Soil Fertility: Exploring the Long-Term Effects of Chemical Fertilizers and Farmyard Manure Application

Jyoti Bangre

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, RVSKVV, COA, Indore (M.P.), India.

Subhash Mandloi *

ICAR- Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), India.

Megha Vishwakarma

Shree Vaishnav Vidhyapith Institute of Agriculture Science, Indore, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Long-term fertilizer and manure experiments serve as invaluable resources for investigating various aspects of agriculture and soil management. These experiments provide a wealth of information on yield trends, nutrient dynamics, and soil nutrient balances. They also help in predicting a soil’s carrying capacity, assessing soil quality, and evaluating the sustainability of agricultural systems. Long-term fertilizer experiments play a crucial role in separating the complex interactions among soils, plants, climate, and management practices and shedding light on their impacts on crop productivity. Long-term fertilizer experiments were initiated in the early 1970s, and they have been periodically evaluated since then. The continuous, long-term use of chemical fertilizers and manures is highly influencing the chemical nature and fertility status of the soil.

Keywords: Long-term fertilizer, organic manure, chemical fertilizer, soil fertility

How to Cite

Bangre , Jyoti, Subhash Mandloi, and Megha Vishwakarma. 2023. “Sustaining Soil Fertility: Exploring the Long-Term Effects of Chemical Fertilizers and Farmyard Manure Application”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (21):534-41.