Determination of Shoot and Fruit Borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) Infestation on Different Cultivars of Okra Abelmoschus esculentus

Yogita Dawar *

Department of Entomology RVSKVV, Gwalior -474002, India.

Satyam Mandloi

Department of Entomology RVSKVV, Gwalior -474002, India.

Pushplata Dawar

Department of Entomology, JNKVV, Jabalpur, M. P.-482004, India.

V. K. Shrivastva

Department of Entomology RVSKVV, Gwalior -474002, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The responses of commercial cultivars of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) to several pests were assessed. Research on okra's varietal resistance to the main insect pest, Abelmoschus esculentus (L), was carried out in the Department of Entomology's experimental field at the College of Agriculture, Gwalior, during the 2015–2016 kharif season. Where in the eight types of okra (Pusa A-4, Pusa falguni, Jaya, Swati, Shreya, Viraj, and Virat. Maximum shoot infestation (8.13%) was found in Pusa A-4, followed by Kashi pargati and Pusa falguni with 7.29% and 5.88%, respectively. Minimum shoot infestation (1.41%) was recorded in Jaya, which was on par with Shreya, followed by Swati, Viraj, and Virat with 2.03%, 4.47 %, 5.15 %, and 5.38 %, respectively. Shreya and Jaya were on level with one another. Maximum fruit infestation (19.57%) was found in Pusa A-4, followed by Kashi pargati and Pusa falguni with 17.76% and 14.62%, respectively. Minimum fruit infestation (1.99%) was found in Jaya, followed by Shreya, Swati, Viraj, and Virat with 4.46 %, 10.67 %, 12.28 %, and 12.73 %, respectively.

Keywords: Okra, shoot and fruit borer, genotypes, percentage

How to Cite

Dawar, Yogita, Satyam Mandloi, Pushplata Dawar, and V. K. Shrivastva. 2023. “Determination of Shoot and Fruit Borer (Leucinodes Orbonalis) Infestation on Different Cultivars of Okra Abelmoschus Esculentus”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (21):974-81.