Effect of Drip Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertigation on Some Growth Parameters of Fennel
Department of Vegetable Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 125004, Haryana, India.
Vikram Ghiyal
Department of Vegetable Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 125004, Haryana, India.
T. P. Malik
Department of Vegetable Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 125004, Haryana, India.
Vikas Raa
Department of Vegetable Science, MHU, Karnal 132001, Haryana, India.
Preeti Yadav
Department of Vegetable Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 125004, Haryana, India.
Chaman *
Department of Vegetable Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 125004, Haryana, India.
Sunil Kumar
Department of Horticulture, Govt. of Haryana, India.
Sandeep Dagar
Department of Vegetable Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 125004, Haryana, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present investigation titled “Effect of drip irrigation and nitrogen fertigation on growth parameters of fennel” was conducted during the Rabi season for two years 2021-22 and 2022-23 at Research Farm of the Department of Vegetable Science, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana. The experiment consists of two varieties viz., V1: Hisar Swarup, V2: HF 143, four Irrigation scheduling viz., I1: 0.6 IW/CPE (Irrigation water/ Cumulative pan evapotranspiration) through drip, I2: 0.8 IW/CPE through drip, I3: 1.0 IW/CPE through drip, I4: 1.2 IW/CPE through drip, three nitrogen levels viz., N1: 20 kg/ha, N2: 35 kg/ha, N3: 50 kg/ha. During field preparation, half a dose of nitrogen as urea and a full dose of phosphorus in the form of SSP were applied as a basal dosage. Necessary measurements and plant protection measures were implemented following the recommended package practice of HAU to manage insect pests and diseases. There is a increase in growth parameters viz., plant height, number of primary and secondary branches, days to 50% maturity and flowering when drip irrigation and nitrogen levels increases. The study concluded that variety HF-143 with irrigation scheduling I3 and nitrogen dose N3 were found superior over other treatments for better growth parameters.
Keywords: Drip irrigation, nitrogen fertigation, growth parameters, IW/CPE, fennel