Evaluation of Household Soil Conservation Technologies in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) (The Case of Kitui Central, Mulala and Wote Divisions in Kenya)

Matheaus K. Kauti *

School of Environment and Natural Resources Management, South Eastern Kenya University, P.O.Box 170-90200, Kitui, Kenya

Titus Ikusya Kanui

School of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, South Eastern Kenya University, P.O.Box 170-90200, Kitui, Kenya

Wambua Raphael

Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Egerton University, P.O.Box 536-20115, Egerton, Kenya

Mwobobia Royford Murangiri

School of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, South Eastern Kenya University, P.O.Box 170-90200, Kitui, Kenya

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study aimed at establishing the status of soil conservation technologies in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) in Kitui Central, Mulala and Wote divisions in Kenya. The survey was carried out between July and August 2010. To allow for comparison, purposive sampling that considered diversity in terms of agro-ecological setting, population trends and infrastructural facilities was done to select the locations for the study in the three divisions. Simple random sampling was used to select 503 households from six locations in the three divisions for interview. Questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and field observations were used to collect qualitative data. Results indicate main soil types as sandy (31.7%), loam (50.1%) and clay (18.2%). Soil fertility maintenance was by adding organic manure (51%) and inorganic fertilizers (22.8%). Main conservation structures of soil in crop fields included terraces (53.9%), planted trees (28%) and planted nappier grass (7.8%) while main agricultural water sources were public tap, stream and pond dam water. Soil conservation was done by less than 50% of households despite the importance towards crop growth, yield and ultimately food security.


Keywords: Soil conservation, ASALs, soil type, soil fertility, water source

How to Cite

Kauti, Matheaus K., Titus Ikusya Kanui, Wambua Raphael, and Mwobobia Royford Murangiri. 2016. “Evaluation of Household Soil Conservation Technologies in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) (The Case of Kitui Central, Mulala and Wote Divisions in Kenya)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 11 (5):1-7. https://doi.org/10.9734/IJPSS/2016/25992.