Effect of Inorganic Nutrients and Biofertilizers on Growth, Yield and Soil Properties of Maize (Zea mays L.) in N-W Region of Punjab, India

Raghveer Singh

Faculty of Agriculture, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda (Punjab), India.

Karan Verma *

Faculty of Agriculture, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda (Punjab), India.

Rajju Priya Soni

M. Sc Food Science and Nutrition, CSK HPKV, Palampur, H.P.-176062, India.


Department of Horticulture, Central University of Tamil Nadu (TN), India.

Akashdeep Singh

Faculty of Agriculture, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda (Punjab), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The field experiment on “Effect of inorganic nutrients and bio fertilizers on growth and yield of Maize (Zea mays. L) in N-W region of Punjab” was carried out at the research farm of Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda (Punjab) during kharif season 2022. The experiment comprising total 8 treatment combinations; viz:, T0-control, T1- (100 percent RDF), T2 NP (150 kg per ha;70 kg per ha), T3-NP (100 kg per ha; 40 kg per ha) + Azospirillum, T4-NPK (140 kg per ha; 70 kg per ha; 70 kg per ha), T5- NPK (110 kg per ha; 40 kg per ha; 30kg per ha) +Azotobacter, T6- NPK+Zn (150kg per ha; 70 kg per ha; 70 kg per ha) + 50 kg per ha, T7- NPK +S+ S +Zn (160 kg per ha;70 kg per ha;70 kg per ha) + 50 kg per ha +30 kg per ha, T8-NPK (110kg per ha; 50kg per ha; 50kg per ha) + Azotobacter +Azospirillum. Experiment was carried out in randomized block design with three replications. Results revealed that growth, yield and economics of Maize influenced significantly due to application of nitrogen practices. The highest grain yield of 59.70 quintal per ha and stover yield 93.4 quintal per ha was recorded with combined application of NPK + S + Zn (160 kg per ha; 70 kg per ha; 70 kg per ha) + 50 kg per ha + 30 kg per ha (T7).

Keywords: Inorganic, biofertilizers, growth, yield, maize

How to Cite

Singh, Raghveer, Karan Verma, Rajju Priya Soni, Pratibha, and Akashdeep Singh. 2023. “Effect of Inorganic Nutrients and Biofertilizers on Growth, Yield and Soil Properties of Maize (Zea Mays L.) in N-W Region of Punjab, India”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (22):809-22. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i224192.