Characterization of Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) Germplasm Using DUS Descriptors
A. Thanga Hemavathy *
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, ADAC&RI, Trichy, India.
A. Subramanian
Department of Cotton, TNAU, Coimbatore, India.
P. Anantharaju
CRS, Veppanthatti, India.
M. Sakila
KVK, Sirugamani, India.
S. Kavitha
Department of Seed Science and Technology, TNAU, Coimbatore, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study was carried on thirty seven Cenchrus genotypes during rabi, 2022-23. Tweleve traits were recorded as per the descriptors provided by PPV & FRA and several genotypes possessed unique traits that aids in genotype identification. The traits viz.,Growth habit ,Anothcyanin coloration on nodes, Node colour, Leaf blade altitude, Leaf blade pubescence, Awns distribution, Awns colour, Leaf colour, and Early vigour showed significant variation among genotypes. Quantitative Characters viz., Plant height, Leaf length (cm), Leaf width (cm), Inter-nodal length (cm), Nodes on tiller, Panicle length (cm), Tillers/Plant, Green fodder yield were recorded. The traits, Plant height, No. of tillers plant and green fodder yield recorded significant critical difference between the genotypes. Hence utmost care would be given for these characters while in the selection process of Cenchrus ciliaris crop improvement.
Keywords: Cenchrus, distinctiveness, uniformity, stability, quantitative parameters