Screening for Identification of Resistant Genotypes against Charcoal Rot Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina in Maize (Zea mays L.)
A. Vijaya Bhaskar *
Department of Plant Pathology, Agricultural Research Station, PJTSAU, Karimnagar, India.
Usharani G.
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Research Station, PJTSAU, Karimnagar, India.
Sravani D.
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Research Station, PJTSAU, Karimnagar, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Screening of Maize entries for resistance to charcoal rot disease using 1-9 disease severity measuring scale in sick plot at field conditions. In this study,492entries with check were screened in randomized block design by tooth pick method of inoculation at Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar, Telangana State, India during rabi and kharif. During rabi 2021-22, out of screened 212 lines,46 lines viz., KML-2, JCY-2-7, KML-4,KML-17,KML- 26,KML-33,KML-74,KML-76,KML-82,KNMH-4211,KNMH-4192,KNMH-131,KMH-396,KMH-393,KMH-770,KMH-286,KMH-275,KMH-318,S-6668,KMH-253,KMH-262,KMH-777,KMH-433,KMH-431,KMH-25,KMH-340,KMH-341,KMH-331,KMH-337,KMH-471,KMH-469,KMH-586,KMH-357,KMH-367,KMH-542,KMH-544,KMH543, KMH -131,KMH-394,KMH-400,KMH-545,KMH-194,DHM-121,BIO-9544,HT5106 and NK6802 were found moderately resistant, Kaveri-50 (Check) entry was recorded 8.10 disease scale and remaining lines were found susceptible to charcoal rot disease. Out of screened 280 lines,one line KMH-152 was found resistant ,77 lines were identified as moderately resistant,one line Kaveri -50 (check) was severely affected by Charcoal rot with 8.0disease rating and rated as susceptible during kharif, 2022.
Keywords: Screening, genotypes, hybrids, tooth pick method of inoculation, disease rating scale, charcoal rotdisease, Maize