Quality and Quantity of Organic Fractions as Affected by Soil Depth in an Argiudoll under Till and No-till Systems

Juan A. Galantini *

Comisión Investigaciones Científicas (CIC); CERZOS – Departamento de Agronomía, San Andrés 800, 8000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Matias Duval

CONICET, CERZOS - Departamento de Agronomía, UNS, Argentina.

Juan M. Martinez

CONICET, CERZOS - Departamento de Agronomía, UNS, Argentina.

Verónica Mora

CONICET, CERZOS - Departamento de Agronomía, UNS, Argentina.

Roberto Baigorri

CIPAV-R&D Roullier Group. Polígono Arazuri-Orcoyen, 31160 Orcoyen, Spain

José M. García-Mina

CIPAV-R&D Roullier Group. Polígono Arazuri-Orcoyen, 31160 Orcoyen, Spain and Department of Chemistry and Soil Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Navarra, Spain

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term effect of tillage systems on the quantity and quality of organic carbon fractions at different soil layers.

Study Design: The experimental design was a split plot with three blocks. The long-term effects (25 years) of conventional- (CT) and no-tillage (NT) systems on a Tipic Argiudoll was sampled at 0-5, 5-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm soil depth.

Place and Duration of Study: The field experiment was carried out at Tornquist (38° 07’ 06” S - 62°02’ 17” O) and soil sampling was performed during wheat seeding (June 2011).

Methodology: Total soil organic carbon (SOC) content and the following fractions were determined: Coarse particulate (POCc, 105-2000 µm), fine particulate (POCf, 53-105 µm) and mineral-associated (MOC, 0-53 µm) carbon fractions; humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids; and total (CHt) and soluble (CHs) carbohydrates. The main physico-chemical properties of HA and FA were analyzed using both FT-IR and fluorescence spectroscopies.

Results: After 25 years, total SOC at the 0-20 cm depth was 9% higher in no-tilled than in tilled soils. The POCwas the SOM fraction that turned out to be the most sensitive to tillage effects. The POCc:POCf:MOC ratio at 0-20 cm was similar for NT (3:14:82) and CT (5:10:84); however, differences were found across soil depths. Tilled soils showed higher aromaticity, starting by CH-degradation, in more superficial soil layers.

Conclusion: The no-tillage system presented a different pattern which can be related to distribution of crop residues and conditions for humification along the soil depth.

Keywords: Tillage system, soil organic carbon, chemical and physical fractionation

How to Cite

Galantini, Juan A., Matias Duval, Juan M. Martinez, Verónica Mora, Roberto Baigorri, and José M. García-Mina. 2016. “Quality and Quantity of Organic Fractions As Affected by Soil Depth in an Argiudoll under Till and No-till Systems”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 10 (5):1-12. https://doi.org/10.9734/IJPSS/2016/25205.