Adoption of Recommended Practices of Tapioca by the Eri Silkworm Rearers of Udalguri, Assam, India
Jugabrat Sarma *
Department of Sericulture, College of Agriculture, AAU, Jorhat-13, Assam, India.
Debajit Borah
Department of Extension Education, College of Sericulture, AAU, Jorhat-13, Assam, India.
Monimala Saikia
Department of Sericulture, College of Agriculture, AAU, Jorhat-13, Assam, India.
Hemanta Saikia
Department of Agricultural Statistics, College of Sericulture, AAU, Jorhat-13, Assam, India.
Purnima Saikia
ICAR- ATARI, Zone-VI, Guwahati, India.
Milon Jyoti Konwar
AAU-ARRI, Titabar, Assam, India.
Dipankar Brahma
Department of Sericulture, College of Agriculture, AAU, Jorhat-13, Assam, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The study was carried out in the Udalguri district of Assam in the year 2021–2022 with a sample size of 120 to know the adoption of recommended practices of tapioca cultivation by the eri silkworm rearer. Udalguri district is well known for its traditional eri silkworm rearing. It is not only an important component of the people's traditions, but it also has the ability to create sustainable livelihood for rural residents. The data were collected from 6 (six) sericultural circles from the 3 (three) development blocks of Udalguri district viz., Udalguri block, Rowta block and Mazbat block by using personal interview method and a structured schedule. It was observed from the study that 75 per cent of respondents had medium level of adoption of scientific tapioca cultivation, whereas 15 per cent of the eri rearer had low level of adoption and only 10 per cent of them showed high level of adoption of scientific tapioca cultivation practices. It is imperative to conclude from the study that eri industry is strong enough to establish a distinctive identity in the study area. Tapioca cultivation involves simple scientific technology which is easy to understand and adopt. Hence, the study recommended that the rearers need to be encouraged towards the adoption of scientific recommended practices of tapioca to achieve better production and income generation.
Keywords: Adoption, Eri rearer, recommended, tapioca, Udalguri