Comparative Analysis of Capsicum Cultivation under Different Protected Structures
Manjunatha M. K. *
Department of Soil and Water Engineering, CAE, UAS, Raichur, India.
B Maheshwara Babu
Department of Soil and Water Engineering, CAE, UAS, Raichur, India.
Ramesh G.
Department of SWE, AICRP (PEASEM), CAE, UAS, Raichur, India.
G. V. Srinivasa Reddy
Department of Irrigation and Drainage, CAE, USA, Raichur, India.
Prasad S. Kulkarani
Department of Irrigation and Drainage, CAE, USA, Raichur, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study was carried out to evaluate the capsicum under various protected structures such as Close shade net, Poly house, Sides open shade net, and open fields. The experiment was carried out at the Soil and Water Conservation Engineering research areas at College of Agricultural Engineering, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur during 2021-22. The result showed that plant height of capsicum was maximum (65 cm) at 120 DAT under polyhouse and minimum in open field condition (30 cm). The capsicum fruit weight was found to be maximum in Playhouse (60 g) and minimum in open field condition (49.50 g). The capsicum fruit rind thickness was found to be maximum in polyhouse (0.91 cm) and minimum in open field condition was (0.74 cm). The capsicum fruit yield per plant was found to be maximum in Poly house, (2.28 kg) and minimum in Open field condition (0.90 kg). The capsicum fruit yield per ha was (50.66 t ha-1) in the poly house and (20.10 t ha-1) in the open field environment. The volume of water applied through drip irrigation at (80% ET) was maximum in the closed shade net (335.63 mm), followed by the open field (277.20 mm). The maximum WUE was recorded in polyhouse (21.22 kg m-3) followed by side open shade net (9.92 kg m-3), closed shade net (9.66 kg m-3) and open field (7.25 kg m-3).
Keywords: Capsicum, shade nets, water use efficiency, vegetative growth, yield