Effect of Different Phosphorus Levels and Frequency of Boron Levels on Growth and Yield of Summer Green Gram [Vigna radiata (L.)]

Rahul Jakhar *

Department of Agronomy, Mahatma Jyoti Roa Phoole University Achrol, Jaipur, India.

K. S. Rathore

Department of Agronomy, Mahatma Jyoti Roa Phoole University Achrol, Jaipur, India.

Anil Jakhar

Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi, U.P., India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted at Agronomy farm, college of Agriculture & Research, (Mahatma Jyoti Roa Phoole University) Achrol, Jaipur during summer season (February-April, 2022) to study the “Effect of different phosphorus levels and frequency of boron levels on growth and yield of summer Green gram (Vigna radiata L.)”. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with twelve treatments thrice replicated. Among the different phosphorus levels and frequency of boron levels treatment T12 i.e., P3 (20:60:20 NPK) + 20 & 35 DAS (0.2% foliar spray of borax) showed the highest performance of all treatments with a plant height (78.47 cm), number of branches/plants (13.2), number of nodules/plant (20.30), plant dry weight (10.12 g), CGR (8.50 g/m2/day), number of pods/plant (33.07), number of seeds/pod (10.33), test weight (30.20), seed yield (18.54 q/ha), straw yield (32.20 q/ha), harvest index (36.54 %). Similarly, maximum gross returns (139050 INR/ha), higher net return (103054 INR/ha) and highest benefit cost ratio (2.86) was also recorded in treatment 12 [P3(20:60:20NPK) + 20 & 35 DAS (0.2% FsB)].

Keywords: Green gram, phosphorus, borax, dry weight, RBD, crop growth rate, yield attributes

How to Cite

Jakhar, Rahul, K. S. Rathore, and Anil Jakhar. 2023. “Effect of Different Phosphorus Levels and Frequency of Boron Levels on Growth and Yield of Summer Green Gram [Vigna Radiata (L.)]”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (24):202-10. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i244310.