Resistant Gene Analogue Marker(S) Screening against Yellow Mosaic Disease in Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]

Rishee K. Kalaria *

Aspee Shakilam Biotechnology Institute, Navsari Agricultural University, Surat, India.

Jigar Bhabhor

Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, ACHF, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, India.

K. G. Modha

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, NMCA, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


During Rabi 2021–2022, 100 genotypes of mungbean were tested for resistance to yellow mosaic disease in the field using the disease grading system. Out of the 100 mungbean genotypes, 49 were resistant to the yellow mosaic disease, 22 as Moderately resistant, 11 as Moderately susceptible, 3 as susceptible, and 15 were highly susceptible. The sequenced virus shares 98.94% similarity with the whole coding sequence of the MYMIV-Mb02 coat protein (AV1) gene from the mungbean yellow mosaic India virus strain, accession number GQ387502.1., as per the results of the BLAST program. As a result, the variation was designated mungbean yellow mosaic India virus isolates NAU-RJ coat protein gene segment and assigned the accession number ON622515.1. The current study examined Six resistant (40 C, NMS-21-01, NMS-21-06, NMS-21-22, NMS-21-49, NMS-21-95) and six highly susceptible (GM 4, NMS-21-23, NMS-21-24, NMS-21-40, NMS-21-68, NMS-21-69). In order to identify the six susceptible and six resistant mungbean genotypes, nine pairs of RGA primers were employed. Five pairs of RGA primers were successfully amplified in all resistant genotypes as a consequence, but not in all highly susceptible genotypes. The results of this study suggest that five pairs of RGA markers can effectively distinguish between the genotypes of mungbean that are highly susceptible and resistant. The long-lasting YMV resistance of these RGA markers makes them useful for mapping resistance genes and marker validation studies.

Keywords: Mungbean, MIYMV, RGAs, YMD, begomovirus, BLAST

How to Cite

Kalaria, Rishee K., Jigar Bhabhor, and K. G. Modha. 2023. “Resistant Gene Analogue Marker(S) Screening Against Yellow Mosaic Disease in Mungbean [Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek]”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (24):261-79.