Modern Phenotyping: A Paradigm of Present Need in Crop Improvement
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, SKN Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, India.
Padma Thakur
Division of Genetics, ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India.
Department of Agriculture, Jagannath University, Jaipur 302022, India.
Prerna Dogra
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, SKN Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, India.
S. K. Bairwa
Department of Horticulture, SKN Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, India.
Santosh K. Meena *
Department of Agronomy, SKN Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, India.
Kailash Chandra
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, SKN Agriculture University, Jobner 303329, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Modern phenotyping is intended to develop and establish the understanding of quantitative traits. Development of crops enriched with improved stress resilience and high yield potential, made it necessary to look into plant biological process that are responsible to crop improvement. Plant breeding aims to accelerate the genetic gain by utilizing modern high throughput phenotyping approaches which established the association between genotype and phenotype over the time and offers also elucidation of complex plant characters/phenotypes. Therefore, modern phenotyping or high throughput is forefront of future crop improvement. The major advantage of this innovative technique is monitoring of plants through nondestructive manner using effective imagining methodologies to gather the data for studies of complex characters in quantitative manner which are directly or indirectly related to plant yield, growth and to combat against biotic and abiotic stress. With a view to above facts this paper explains modern phenotyping approaches for crop improvement.
Keywords: Phenotyping, precision agriculture, NDVI, DSS, UAVs