The Physical Properties and Micronutrient Status of Mayo-gwoi Floodplain Soils, in Taraba State, Nigeria

P. K. Kefas *

Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria

M. E. Ukabiala

Kogi State College of Agriculture, Ochaja, Nigeria

C. V. Azuka

Department of Soil Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The aim of this research was to study the physical characteristics and the status of micronutrients in floodplain soils of Mayo-Gwoi in Taraba state, Nigeria. A detailed soil survey was conducted at the Mayo-Gwoi floodplain using rigid grid approach. Observations were made at 100m regular intervals. Two profile pits were dug and sampled from each of the three soil mapping units identified. The samples were analyzed and characterized as follows; texture vary from loamy to sandy clay loam, bulk density (1.30 g/cm3), particle density (2.63 g/cm3),  water holding capacity (37.5%), water content at field capacity (36%) and wilting point (24%), zinc (1.0 Mg/Kg), iron (6.3 Mg/Kg), copper (0.5 Mg/Kg) and manganese (6.3 Mg/Kg). These soils showed some evidence of degradation and could be productive if subjected to appropriate management and maintenance.


Keywords: Soil survey; degradation, Mayo-Gwoi floodplain soils, rigid grid

How to Cite

Kefas, P. K., M. E. Ukabiala, and C. V. Azuka. 2016. “The Physical Properties and Micronutrient Status of Mayo-Gwoi Floodplain Soils, in Taraba State, Nigeria”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 10 (6):1-8.