Evaluation of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Varieties/Genotypes for Jassid, Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) Resistance under Rainfed Conditions

R. K. Patel *

Department of Plant Protection, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Navsari Agricultural University, Surat, Gujarat, India.

J. R. Pandya

College of Agriculture, NAU, Bharuch, Gujarat, India.

H. R. Desai

Main Cotton Research Station, NAU, Surat, Gujarat, India.

A. R. Patel

Main Sorghum Research Station, NAU, Surat, Gujarat, India.

K. N. Chaudhari

College of Agriculture, NAU, Bharuch, Gujarat, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Host plant resistance is an important component of integrated pest management strategy for jassid resistance. Evaluation of germplasm to identify the stable source of resistance is a predominant step in any resistance breeding programme. In this study, screening of Gossypium hirsutum cotton varieties/genotypes against jassid, Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) was carried out under rainfed conditions during kharif seasons of 2016-17, 2018-19 and 2019-20 at Regional Cotton Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Maktampur farm, Bharuch, Gujarat. Among thirteen cotton varieties/genotypes screened, none of variety/genotype was categorized as resistant by considering jassid population as well as Jassid Resistance Index. Six cotton varieties/genotypes viz., NH-615, GBHV-201, GBHV-209, GBHV-204, G.N.Cot-26, GBHV-206 and two checks i.e. DHY-286 and NDLH-1938 were categorized as moderately resistant based on maximum jassid population ranged from 4.40 to 7.40 jassids/3 leaves. Three cotton varieties/genotypes viz., Suraj, Bunny BG II and Bunny Non Bt were categorized as susceptible with population of 12.50 to 13.70 jassids/3 leaves. The cotton variety G.Cot-16 (16.70 jassids/3 leaves) and check DCH-32 (24.60 jassids/3 leaves) were categorized as highly susceptible to jassids. Five cotton varieties/genotypes viz., NH-615, GBHV-201, GBHV-204, GBHV-209, G.N.Cot-26 and two checks i.e. DHY-286 and NDLH-1938 were categorized as moderately resistant based on maximum Jassid Resistance Index in range of 1.10 to 2.00. Only the genotype GBHV-206 was found susceptible with 2.20 JRI. Four cotton varieties/genotypes viz., G.Cot-16, Bunny BG II, Suraj, Bunny Non Bt and check DCH-32 were categorized as highly susceptible to jassid based on maximum JRI of 3.10 to 4.00. Overall five varieties/genotypes of G. hirsutum cotton viz., NH-615, GBHV-201, GBHV-209, GBHV-204 and G.N.Cot-26 were found moderately resistant to jassids under rainfed conditions.

Keywords: Cotton varieties/genotypes, Gossypium hirsutum, jassid, Amrasca biguttula biguttula, screening, Jassid Resistance Index (JRI)

How to Cite

Patel , R. K., J. R. Pandya, H. R. Desai, A. R. Patel, and K. N. Chaudhari. 2024. “Evaluation of Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) Varieties/Genotypes for Jassid, Amrasca Biguttula Biguttula (Ishida) Resistance under Rainfed Conditions”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (3):23-34. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2024/v36i34395.