Exploitation of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) Grains for Physical and Functional Properties

Bhagyajyothi C. Kotibagar *

Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Community Science, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka-580005, India.

Uma N. Kulkarni

Department of Food and Nutrition, Food Safety and Quality Assurance, College of Community Science, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka-580005, India.

Sarojani Karakannavar

UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka-580005, India.

U. K. Hulihalli

Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Agriculture, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka-580005, India.

Ashwini M.

Department of FSQA, Food Technology, College of Community Science, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka-580005, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Buckwheat is neither a nut nor a cereal but is included in a separate group called “pseudocereals”. Buckwheat grains contain high levels of protein, starch, dietary fibre, some minerals, vitamins, flavonoids and other bioactive compounds. The main aim of the study is to analyse physical and functional properties of buckwheat grains. The results showed that bread wheat (control) had significantly higher length (5.91 mm), length to width ratio (2.06) and lower width (2.86 mm) compared to other buckwheat varieties. In the present study, higher thousand grain weight and volume were recorded for bread wheat compared to buckwheat varieties indicating bolder grains of former. Significantly higher bulk (0.70 g/ml) for and true densities (2.08 g/ml) for Dharwad Selection-1 may be regarded as a consequence of volumes and shape of grains. Buckwheat varieties showed higher greenness (-0.80 to -1.14) lower brightness (78.12 to 82.36) and yellowness (6.30 to 8.09) compared to bread wheat. Chroma being higher for bread wheat (10.06) indicates having high brightness and saturation compared to buckwheat varieties (6.40-8.13). Hydration capacity and swelling index were higher for buckwheat varieties compared to bread wheat. where, in case of hydration index and swelling capacity it was vice versa. The overall information on physical properties plays an important role in food processing and its knowledge is essential to design the equipment for handling, aeration, storing and processing of food grains.

Keywords: Buckwheat, pseudocereal, flavonoids, bioactive compounds, dietary fibre, grains

How to Cite

Kotibagar, Bhagyajyothi C., Uma N. Kulkarni, Sarojani Karakannavar, U. K. Hulihalli, and Ashwini M. 2024. “Exploitation of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Esculentum Moench) Grains for Physical and Functional Properties”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (3):402-9. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2024/v36i34439.