Influence of Different Sowing Times and Nutrient Management on Growthand Yield of Summer Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
Karuna M. Chaudhri *
Department of Agronomy, NMCA, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat, India.
H. H. Patel
Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, N.A.U., Bharuch, India.
Priya R. Chaudhari
Department of Agronomy, NMCA, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat, India.
S. G. Bhagariya
Department of Agronomy, NMCA, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat, India.
Priyanka Thummar
Department of Agronomy, NMCA, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was conducted during the summer season of 2019 at College Farm, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. The experiment was laid out in split plot designit included three sowing dates viz.D1:2nd week of February, D2:4th week of February,D3:2nd week of Marchas main plot as well as five nutrient management practices, including N1:100% RDN, N2:100% RDN + Sap (1%), N3:75% RDN + Sap (1%), N4:100% RDN + Urea (1%) , N5:75% RDN + Urea (1%) as sub plot and replicated in four times. The results of this study showed that sesame sown on second week of march recorded higher growth parameters, viz, plant height (cm), dry matter accumulation (g/plant) as well as seed yield, stalk yield and harvest index while remaining noticeably on par with 4thweek of February. Among the nutrient management treatments, the significantly improved the growth parameters like plant height (cm), dry accumulation (g/plant) and yield of stalk was observed with crop fertilize 100% RDN along with Urea spray 1% which was statistically at par with 100% RDN and Sap spray 1%. Highest seed yield was recorded when the application of 100% RDN with Urea spray 1%.
Keywords: Sesame, date of sowing, nutrient management, growth, yield, dry accumulation, Sap spray, oil seed crop