Biological Study with Morphological Characterization of Flower Phenology in Garcinia indica (Choisy)

Mujadadi, N. *

Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, UHS Campus, GKVK Post, Bengaluru-560065, India.

Fakrudin, B.

Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, College of Horticulture, University of Horticultural Sciences, GKVK Post, Bengaluru-560065, India.

Mujadidi, N.

Department of Horticulture, Afghanistan National Agriculture Science and Technology University, Afghanistan.

G.S.K. Swamy.

Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, UHS Campus, GKVK Post, Bengaluru-560065, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Characterization flowering patten in Garcinia indica was studied using different age groups planted in a field gene bank.  Flowering commenced in five-year-old trees (5YP) in all age groups targeted to study.  followed by four-year-old trees. The first flowering was recorded during 3-4th week of November and continued for ten weeks among the plants. G. indica accessions with mixed sexuality were recorded where, the majority of bisexual flowers with female and male flower were there in the same plant.  However, flower appearance started in 3rd week of November and extended up to December 3rd week and the maximum number of trees flowered in 1st week of December. Most of the accessions recorded 50 per cent flowering on 2nd and 3rd week of January. The duration of flowering varied from 8 to 10 weeks.  Majority of the flowers were observed to be auxiliary and some of them were terminal. Traits such as petal length, sepal length, stamen length and style length did not exhibit significant differences among the accessions studied.  However, pollen viability varied among the accessions.  Maximum per cent (88.33%) of viable pollen were recorded in 5YP-1 and minimum (82%) in 5YP-3 & 15 with the mean value of 45.68%. 

Keywords: Anther, characterization, flower, Garcinia indica, phenology

How to Cite

Mujadadi, N., Fakrudin, B., Mujadidi, N., and G.S.K. Swamy. 2024. “Biological Study With Morphological Characterization of Flower Phenology in Garcinia Indica (Choisy)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (4):428-39.