Impact Assessment and Upliftment of Poor and Marginal Tribal Farmers of Chhattisgarh State through Quality Seed Production in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Ritu R Saxena *

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, IGKV, Raipur (CG), India.

Suman Rawte

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, IGKV, Raipur (CG), India.

Shilpi Verma

Department of Home Science, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, RVSKV, Neemuch, (MP), India.

Mangla Parikh

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, IGKV, Raipur (CG), India.

Bhawana Sharma

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, IGKV, Raipur (CG), India.

Ravi R Saxena

Department of Agricultural Statistics and Social Science, IGKV, Raipur (CG), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study was carried out in districts of Chhattisgarh plains and plateau by conducting front line demonstrations (FLD’s) and tribal Sub Plan (TSP) of chickpea at different locations of farmer’s field to promote the cultivation and adoption of improved package of practice from 2018-19 to 2022-23. The seeds of improved varieties and balanced fertilizers were the part of technological package supplied to the demonstration plot as against control. All the demonstrations were conducted by following participatory approach. Results revealed that improved varieties and balanced fertilization increased yield as compared to the farmer’s practice. In demonstration plots C: B ratio was also higher as compared to control ones. It can be concluded from the findings that use of improved technologies can reduce the technology gap to a considerable extent resulting in increased productivity of rapeseed in the district. It needs the efforts of both extension and farmers to enhance adoption level of location and crop specific technologies among farmers for bridging these gaps. Therefore, the farmers’ need to provide proper technical support and guidance through various improved agronomic practices for better production and productivity in the district.

Keywords: Chickpea, FLD, TSP, extension gap, technology gap and technology index, seed production, fertilization, fertilizer, pesticides

How to Cite

Saxena , Ritu R, Suman Rawte, Shilpi Verma, Mangla Parikh, Bhawana Sharma, and Ravi R Saxena. 2024. “Impact Assessment and Upliftment of Poor and Marginal Tribal Farmers of Chhattisgarh State through Quality Seed Production in Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (5):522-32.