Effect of Potting Mixture and Polybag Size on Growth and Flowering of Asiatic Lily (Lilium asiaticum var. Nashville) under Protected Condition
Anupama Geethan *
Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, India.
Vijay Bahadur
Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, India.
Annjoe V Joseph
Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
An experiment on recognizing the significance of cultivating lilies under polyhouse conditions, this study contributes the valuable insights to the cultivation practices of Asiatic lilies, focusing on the pivotal roles of potting mixture composition and polybag size. Healthy bulbs of each cultivar were freshly planted in various media compositions in different polybag size within a protected environment. From the present investigation, it is concluded that the treatment 12 x 12 polybag size combined with Garden soil + Vermicompost + Cocopeat (1:1:2) was found in superior among other treatments in terms of plant height (69.30cm), leaf length (8.60 cm), leaf width (3.03 cm), number of flower buds/plant (4.60), days to appearance of first flower bud (40.10), flower bud length (8.43 cm), stalk length (68.15 cm), weight of bulb per plant (64.75g), self life of flower spike (15.22 days), number of flowers per 250 m2 (10032.75). The study concluded that, the lilies readily respond to various medium for cultivation and 12 x 12 Polybag combined with potting mixture Garden soil + Vermicompost + Cocopeat (1:1:2) observed to be the best for plant growth and flowering of Asiatic lily under protected condition.
Keywords: Cocopeat, FYM, lilium, media, Nashville, perlite, vermiculite