Optimizing Growth and Yield in Aerobic Rice through IoT-based Drip Irrigation and Fertigation
D. V. S. Akshay *
Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College, Bapatla (ANGRAU), India.
R. M. Kumar
Department of Agronomy, ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India.
S. Prathibha Sree
Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla (ANGRAU), India.
B. Sreedevi
Department of Agronomy, ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India.
M. B. B. Prasad Babu
Department of Soil Science, ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India.
A. S. Sakhare
Department of Plant Physiology, ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aim: A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different IoT based drip irrigation and fertigation management practices on growth and yield of aerobic rice.
Study Design: The experiment was laid out in a strip plot design with 4 main plots (Horizontal) and 3 sub-plots (Vertical) that are allocated randomly and replicated thrice.
Place and Duration of Study: kharif and rabi seasons of 2022-23 & 2023-24 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad.
Methodology: The horizontal plot treatments were Nitrogen management practices (4) i.e., Control (N1), 100 % RDN (100% inorganic) (N2), 100 % RDN (50% inorganic & 50% organic) (N3) and 125 % RDN (100 % inorganic) (N4). Vertical plots treatments were Irrigation management practices (3) which include Saturation (I1), 10 % DASM (I2) and 20 % DASM (I3). Organic nutrient sources were given as soil application and the inorganic sources were applied through fertigation. Sensor based (IoT) irrigation scheduling was done.
Results: Nitrogen application of 125% RDN with 100% inorganic consistently resulted in higher growth parameters (plant height (110.4 cm and 93.9 cm), number of tillers m-2 (392.2 and 291.8) and plant dry weight (11814.8 kg ha-1 and 9557.0 kg ha-1) during kharif & rabi respectively) followed by 100% RDN (100% inorganic) and 100% RDN (50% inorganic & 50% organic) in pooled data. Saturation irrigation resulted in taller plants with greater growth parameters (plant height (109.8 cm and 91.0 cm), number of tillers m-2 (412.3 and 283.6) and plant dry weight (10916.0 kg ha-1 and 9463.4 kg ha-1) during kharif & rabi respectively) compared to deficit irrigation treatments. Treatment of 125% RDN with 100% inorganic resulted in the higher yield attributes (no. of panicles m-2 (154.3 and 141.1), no. of filled grains panicle-1 (142.3 and 124.0), panicle weight (3.1 g and 3.3 g) during kharif & rabi respectively) and yield (4790.2 kg ha-1 and 4583.8 kg ha-1) which was statistically similar with 100% RDN (100% inorganic) and 100% RDN (50% inorganic & 50% organic). Saturation expressed higher yield attributes (no. of panicles m-2 (149.5 and 139.2), no. of filled grains panicle-1 (135.0 and 121.6), panicle weight (3.0 g and 3.2 g) during kharif & rabi respectively) and yield (4554.0 kg ha-1 and 4425.5 kg ha-1) which was on par with 10% DASM. The interaction was found to be non-significant.
Conclusion: Nitrogen application of 125% RDN and 100% RDN through fertigation were found to have statistically similar growth, yield parameters and yield. IoT based irrigation at 10% DASM was found to be on par with saturation treatment among all the growth, yield parameters and yield of aerobic rice.
Keywords: Aerobic rice, IoT, sensor, nitrogen, drip irrigation