Effect of Nitrogen in Premature Sprouting of Garlic (Allium sativum)
Md. Riazul Islam *
Regional Spices Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Magura, Post Code: 7600, Bangladesh.
Md. Shihab Uddine Khan
Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Satkhira, Post Code: 9400, Bangladesh.
Nadira Mokarroma
Plant Physiology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Post Code: 1700, Bangladesh.
Apurba Saha
Biotechnology Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh.
Abu Jafor Mohammad Obaidullah
Regional Spices Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Magura, Post Code: 7600, Bangladesh.
Fardus Ahamed Nasim
Training and Communication Wing, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Bangladesh.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was carried out at Regional Spices Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Magura during 2021-22 and 2022-23 to find out the effect of nitrogen in premature sprouting of garlic. The two factor experiment was designed in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCB) with three replications. The treatments comprised of three varieties of garlic (BARI Rashun-1, BARI Rashun- 3 and Advance line AS Mag-001) and four dose of nitrogen. Significant differences regarding yield and yield attributes were observed among different treatments. The highest plant height (92.00 cm in 2021-22 and 94.08 in 2022-23), individual bulb weight (30.33 g in 2021-22 and 31.58 g in 2022-23) and yield per hectare (13.30 t/ha in 2021-22 and 13.48 in 2022-23) were obtained from the treatment T4V3 (AS Mag-001 line with nitrogen@ 235kg/ha). The lowest plant height (69.67 cm), number of leaves per plant (7.67), individual bulb weight (23.67 g) and yield per hectare (8.31 t/ha) from the treatment T2V1 (BARI Rashun-3 with nitrogen @ 185kg/ha). The highest number of sprouted plant (43) with maximum incidence (22.88%) were observed in T4V3 (AS Mag-001 line with nitrogen @ 235kg/ha)) where the lowest number of sprouted plant (7) and with minimum incidence (4.55%) were observed in T1V2 (BARI Rashun-3 with nitrogen @ 160kg/ha).
Keywords: Ture sprouting, garlic, nitrogen, yield, BARI rashun-1, advance line