Varietal Evaluation of Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.) Cultivars under Agro-climatic Conditions of Prayagraj

Rakshitha. K *

Department of Horticulture (Floriculture and landscaping), Naini Agricultural institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, U.P., India.

Devi Singh

Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, U.P., India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aim: An experiment to “Study on Genetic Variability and correlation coefficient of Gladiolus Cultivars Under Agro-Climatic Conditions of Prayagraj”.

Place and Study of Duration: It was carried out at Horticulture Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agriculture Institute during the Winter season of 2023-24.

Study Design: Randomized complete block design.

Methodology: The analysis of variance for different quantitative characters are with significant differences among the genotypes for parameters like growth, flowering and corm yield per plant of gladiolus. The highest corms yield/plant (g/plant) of genotype was observed in White prosperity (111.37). While lowest corms yield/plant (g/plant) was observed for Tambri (55.47). High magnitude of GCV and PCV were recorded for weight of daughter corm (20.396 and 21.71. In the present investigation, the genetic advance estimates were found to be high for no. of days taken for first floret open (24.58), corm weight / plot (g) (126.02), weight of mother corm / plot (g) (166.38), weight of daughter corm (70.43), no. of corm per hectare (42515.19) and no. of cormels per hectare (1349073.89). In the present investigation, the genetic advance as mean percentage estimates were found to be high for number of leaves per plant at 30 das (20.27), days taken for corm sprouting (31.48), no. of days taken for first floret open (31.38), weight of mother corm / plot (g) (27.03), weight of daughter corm (39.46) and no. of cormels per hectare (21.70). Genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficient analysis revealed that Corms weight/plant (g) showed positive significant association with plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant , number of shoot per plant, rachis length (cm), no. of floret per spike, no. of spike per plant, floret diameter (cm), spike length (cm), vase life (days), corm weight / plot (g), weight of mother corm / plot (g), weight of daughter corm, corm diameter (cm), no. of corm per hectare and no. of cormels per hectare at both levels genotypic and phenotypic.

Keywords: Gladiolus grandifloras, GCV, PCV, heritability

How to Cite

K, Rakshitha., and Devi Singh. 2024. “Varietal Evaluation of Gladiolus (Gladiolus Grandiflorus L.) Cultivars under Agro-Climatic Conditions of Prayagraj”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (7):1034-42.