Effect of Foliar Application of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Leaf Extract and Potassium on Yield and Economics of Blackgarm
Y. Vijaya Laxmi *
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
T. Prabhakar Reddy
Krishi Vignana Kendra, Palem, PJTSAU, Nagarkurnool District, Telangana, India.
K. Pavan Chandra Reddy
AICRP on STCR, ISHM, ARI, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
S.G. Mahadevappa
Agro Climate Research Centre, ARI, PJTSAU, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was conducted during Rabi, 2023-24 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem, to evaluate the effect of foliar application of moringa (moringa oleifera) leaf extract (MLE) and potassium on yield and economics of blackgarm. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The results of this experiment revealed that application of 100% RDF + 20 kg MOP as basal + 8% MLE at 30 and 45 DAS recorded significantly higher no of pods per plant (25.23), seeds per pod (7.8), test weight (42.87 g) seed yield (1757 kg ha-1) and stover yield (2738 kg ha-1). In terms of economic analysis, this treatment also exhibited the highest gross returns (₹ 1,47,588 ha-1), net returns (₹ 93,119 ha-1) and BC ratio (2.71). Conversely, the control recorded the lowest no of pods per plant (11.13), seeds per pod (3.9) test weight (28.96 g) seed yield (572 kg ha-1), stover yield (1434 kg ha-1)., as well as lower gross returns (₹ 63,168 ha-1), net returns (₹ 13858 ha-1) and BC ratio (1.28). Based on these findings, it is recommended to adopt application of 100% RDF + 20 kg MOP as basal + 8% MLE at 30 and 45 DAS to achieve maximum yield and economic returns of blackgram. From this observation, it was revealed that 8% concentration of moringa leaf extract gives more seed yield than 4% concentration of moringa leaf extract. Basal application of potassium as MOP is more beneficial than foliar application of potassium as KNO3 in blackgram in terms of seed yield and cost of cultivation. The economic analysis revealed that combined foliar application of MLE and potassium (MOP) was cost effective for maximizing seed yield and income.
Keywords: Potassium, moringa leaf extract, yield and economics, blackgram