Evaluation of CO 52 Rice Variety for Enhanced Productivity in Cuddalore District of Tamil Nadu, India

S. Ganapathy *

ICAR, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Villupuram- 604 102, Tamil Nadu, India.

K. Nageswari

Horticulture College and Res, Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, (TN), India.

J. Jayakumar

ICAR, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Vridhachalam - 606 001, Tamil Nadu, India.

P. Veeramani

ICAR, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Vridhachalam - 606 001, Tamil Nadu, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Selection of high yielding variety is an important factor in rice cultivation for a particular location/ environment. Cultivation of newly released rice variety has potential to increase the productivity and needs to be promoted and popularized. In this regard, the present investigation was carried out at farmer’s field to improve the rice productivity in Cuddalore district by introducing newrice variety CO 52. The CO 52 blast resistant medium duration high yielding rice variety was released by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) during 2018. A total of seventeen demonstrations with blast resistant newly released high yielding rice variety Co 52 were conducted at farmer’s field organized by Vegetable Research Station (TNAU), Palur, Cuddalore District during samba season of 2019-20. An average yield of 6,501 kg ha-1 was recorded in Co 52 demonstration trials with 10.51 per cent increased from the farmers cultivating variety BPT 5204 (5,886.75 kgsha-1). The farmers additional revenue of Rs. 9000- Rs. 10,400/ha was obtained from Co 52 demonstration plots. In this regard one field day and training on improved production technologies were organized at farmer’s field to increase the productivity of rice through demonstrations of new rice variety Co 52 with improved production technologies.

Keywords: Productivity, CO 52 Rice Variety, High Yielding Variety, Farmers

How to Cite

Ganapathy, S., K. Nageswari, J. Jayakumar, and P. Veeramani. 2024. “Evaluation of CO 52 Rice Variety for Enhanced Productivity in Cuddalore District of Tamil Nadu, India”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (8):432-36. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2024/v36i84872.