Biomass Estimation Models of Three Fast-growing Tree Species in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India

Bijay Kumar Singh *

ICFRE – Eco Rehabilitation Centre, Prayagraj, India.

Anita Tomar

ICFRE – Eco Rehabilitation Centre, Prayagraj, India.

Akansha Singh

CDRI, Botany Division, Jankipuram Extension, Lucknow, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted to develop the regression models of biomass for three fast-growing trees, viz., Populus deltoides (Poplar), Eucalyptus spp. (Eucalyptus) and Casuarina equisetifolia (Casuarina) in high-density plantation after two years at three different spacings, viz., 1m×1m, 1.2m×1.2m and 1.5m×1.5m in village Padilla, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India. The trial was established in year 2021 and data was collected after two years. The result indicateds the maximum height range was found in T2: Eucalyptus (1m×1m) 7.5m followed by T8: Eucalyptus (1.5m×1.5m) 5.3m whereas the maximum girth range was found in T2: Eucalyptus (1m×1m) 12.5cm followed by T7: Poplar (1.5m×1.5m) 11.7cm. The bole linear function for height and girth in 2nd year maximum R2 was found in T8: Eucalyptus (1.5m×1.5m) 0.969 followed by T6: Casuarina (1.2m×1.2m) 0.958 whereas the branch’s linear function for height and girth was maximum R2 in 2nd year maximum in T2: Eucalyptus (1m×1m) 0.947 followed by T4: Poplar (1.2m×1.2m) 0.838. The leaves’ linear function for height and girth was maximum R2 in 2nd year maximum found in T9: Casuarina (1.5m×1.5m) 0.903 followed by T5: Eucalyptus (1.2m×1.2m) 0.861 whereas the AGB linear function for height and girth was maximum R2 in 2nd year maximum found in T2: Eucalyptus (1m×1m) 0.976 followed by T6: Casuarina (1.2m×1.2m) 0.965. The bole biomass maximum found after 2nd year T4: Poplar (1.2m×1.2m) 2.801 kgtree-1 followed by T2: Eucalyptus (1m×1m) 2.801 kgtree-1 whereas in 2nd year branch biomass maximum found in T8: Eucalyptus (1.5m×1.5m) 1.130 kgtree-1 followed by T4: Poplar (1.2m×1.2m) 0.982 kgtree-1. The leaves biomass maximum found in 2nd year maximum found in T8: Eucalyptus (1.5m×1.5m) 1.950 kgtree-1 followed by T2: Eucalyptus (1m×1m) 1.617 kgtree-1 whereas in 2nd year AGB maximum in T2: Eucalyptus (1m×1m) 5.285 kgtree-1 followed by T8: Eucalyptus (1.5m×1.5m) 4.803 kgtree-1.

Keywords: Regression model, Biomass, fast-growing tree species, height, girth

How to Cite

Singh, Bijay Kumar, Anita Tomar, and Akansha Singh. 2024. “Biomass Estimation Models of Three Fast-Growing Tree Species in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (8):693-700.