Comparative Analysis of Physical and Functional Properties of Colored Horse Gram Varieties (Macrotyloma uniflorum) and Its Flour

Pallavi M B *

Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Community Science, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India.

Uma N K

Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Community Science, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India.

Hemalatha S

Department of Food Processing Technology, College of Community Science, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India.

Vijaykumar A G

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Seed Unit, UAS Dharwad-580005 India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Pulses has important role in contributing to food and nutritional security and replenishing soil nutrients having a huge potential in addressing needs like future global food security, nutrition and environmental sustainability. Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) is a minor, under-exploited legume of tropics and subtropics grown under dry-land agriculture. The present study was conducted with the objective to maximize the utilization of horse gram and its flour physical and functional properties. Hundred grain weight and density (3.33 g,1.29 g/ml) were higher in cream colored variety and it was lighter, redder (less green), yellower (less blue) than brown and black colored varieties. Thickness of varieties varied significantly, highest being in brown (2.18 mm) colored variety. Hydration capacity, hydration index, swelling capacity and percent germination (2.92 g/100 grains, 0.93, 3.83 ml/100 grains and 91.66 %) varied significantly with highest being in brown colored variety. Maximum amount of all the flours passed through 52 BSS standard sieve having 300 µ sieve opening. Loose bulk density was high in brown colored flour (0.41 g/ml) whereas tapped bulk density was high in cream colored flour (0.63 g/ml). Cream-colored horse gram flour was lighter (L* value being 78.72), redder (a* value being 5.78) and yellower (b* value being 16.84). There was significant difference in the functional properties of flour. The black colored flour had highest water absorption capacity (2.31 ml/g), oil absorption capacity (2.15 ml/g), swelling power (9.14 g/g), foaming capacity (36.23 %) and foaming stability (32.13 %) than other two flours. The wettability, flowability and cohesiveness of all three flours were good, fair and low respectively. Thus brown and black colored varieties had better physical and functional properties than cream-colored variety. The brown and black colored flour had highest loose bulk density whereas cream colored flour had highest tapped bulk density. Black colored flour had highest water and oil absorption capacity, swelling power, foaming capacity and foaming stability.

Keywords: Horse gram varieties, flour, physical properties, functional properties, particle size distribution, L*, a*, b*

How to Cite

M B, Pallavi, Uma N K, Hemalatha S, and Vijaykumar A G. 2024. “Comparative Analysis of Physical and Functional Properties of Colored Horse Gram Varieties (Macrotyloma Uniflorum) and Its Flour”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (8):871-83.