Demonstration by New Finger Millet Variety ATL 1 to Improve the Productivity in Villupuram District of Tamil Nadu, India
S. Ganapathy *
ICAR, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Villupuram - 604 102, Tamil Nadu, India.
G. Gomadhi
Agriculture College & Res. Institute, TNAU, Karur - 639 001, Tamil Nadu, India.
M. Saran Kumar
ICAR, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Villupuram - 604 102, Tamil Nadu, India.
M. Senthil Kumar
Directorate of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore - 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Cultivation of newly released variety has potential to increase the productivity and needs to be promoted and popularized. In this regard, the present study was carried out at farmer’s field by introducing new high yielding Finger millet variety ATL 1 to increase the productivity. The ATL 1, drought tolerant finger millet variety was released by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University during 2021. A total of fifteen, field demonstrations were conducted by using newly released finger millet variety (ATL 1) at farmer’s field organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu during Kharif 2023. The farmers cultivating variety Co 15 was used as the check variety (farmer’s practice). An average yield of 1,490 kg.ha-1 was recorded in ATL 1 demonstration plots which was 9.67 % increase over the farmers cultivating variety Co 15 (1340 kg.ha-1). The farmers were obtained additional revenue of Rs. 9,650 ha-1 from ATL 1 demonstrations. In this regard, one training on improved production technologies for millets cultivation was organized at KVK, Villupuram (Tindivanam) to improve the productivity of finger millet through demonstrations.
Keywords: Finger millet, productivity, variety ATL 1, farmer