Assessment of Plant Growth Promoters on Growth Characteristics, Yield Attributes and Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties in Central Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh, India

Prateek Saxena *

Department of Agronomy, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)-208002, India.

V. K. Verma

Department of Agronomy, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)-208002, India.

M.Z. Siddiqui

Department of Agronomy, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)-208002, India.

Tripti Singh

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)-208002, India.

Amreen Siddiqui

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)-208002, India.

Avnish Patel

Department of Agronomy, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)-208002, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present investigation was carried out during Rabi season of 2022-23 at Students' Instructional Farm of Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur. The experiment was designed with two factors, viz. wheat varieties (DBW-187 and PBW-723) in the main plots and plant growth promoters (PGPs) viz., micronutrients (Zn, Fe, B, Cu) @ 0.5%, nitrobenzene @ 3 ml l-1, gibberellic acid @ 2 ml l-1, seaweed extract liquid @ 625 ml ha-1, seaweed extract solid @ 25 kg ha-1, UPL Macarena (Fermented extract nutrient 15%) @ 625 ml ha-1, Humesol (humic acid 18 %, fulvic acid 15 %) @ 1250 ml ha-1, and Amino Booster G (30 % amino acid solution) @ 5 ml l-1 were selected in sub-plots. These treatments were compared with a control treatment. The experiment was laid out in a Split Plot Design and replicated three times. The results revealed that significant variations were noticed in different treatments. The wheat variety DBW-187 exhibited superior growth and yield attributes, with a grain yield of 4601.8 kg ha-1, surpassing other variety. Among plant growth promoters the blend of micronutrients (Zn, Fe, B, Cu) @ 0.5% foliar spray at tillering stage resulted in the significant maximum plant height (86.55 cm), crop growth rate (0.243 g m-2 day-1), at 45 to 90 DAS, number of tillers (425.13 m-2) at maturity, grain yield (4572.17 kg ha-1) and straw yield (7072.20 kg ha-1). The gibberellic acid @ 2ml l-1 and seaweed extract liquid @ 625 ml ha-1 also showed significant results.

Keywords: Growth promoters, wheat varieties, grain yield, straw yield

How to Cite

Saxena, Prateek, V. K. Verma, M.Z. Siddiqui, Tripti Singh, Amreen Siddiqui, and Avnish Patel. 2024. “Assessment of Plant Growth Promoters on Growth Characteristics, Yield Attributes and Yield of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Varieties in Central Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh, India”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (8):1093-1100.