Exploring Microgravity’s Effect on Seed Germination and Growth of Plants

Ram Ambiya

Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, India.

Beena R. *

Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, India.

Nivedhitha M.S

Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study of the effects of microgravity on plant cells has gained significant attention, especially in the context of space experiments, which necessitates a comprehensive understanding of plant growth and development in altered gravitational conditions. Understanding the impact of microgravity on seed germination, seedling establishment, and overall plant development is essential for future space agriculture and the development of sustainable food production systems. In microgravity, plants encounter unique physical and physiological challenges, making it essential to explore the physiological and biochemical responses of plant cells to this environment. Various factors contribute to the alterations observed in plant behavior under microgravity, including changes in water and nutrient distribution, disruptions in hormone signaling, and modifications in the expression of secondary metabolites. Physiological and biochemical in plants due to microgravity caused by the influence on the phytochrome system, gas exchange photosynthesis, and the production of secondary metabolites.  Microgravity affects mechanocellular responses of plants which elucidates how the absence of gravity can disrupt cytoplasmic streaming, impact cell wall rigidity, and cause damage to cell membranes. These alterations in plant cell behavior under microgravity conditions can have profound implications for plant growth and development. Space farming faces challenges and constraints of cultivating plants in space, such as managing water distribution, temperature fluctuations, and radiation exposure, are addressed. Innovative methods for planting crops in space, including plant pillows, greenhouse cultivation, and soil-less systems, are discussed. In the future, research efforts should focus on selecting or genetically modifying plant varieties with enhanced tolerance to the diverse stress encountered in space environments. Thus, it is concluded that space farming underscores the importance of comprehensive studies on plant responses to microgravity, offering valuable insights for both space exploration and terrestrial agriculture.

Keywords: Seed germination, microgravity, plant cells, agriculture

How to Cite

Ambiya, Ram, Beena R., and Nivedhitha M.S. 2024. “Exploring Microgravity’s Effect on Seed Germination and Growth of Plants”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (12):75-90. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2024/v36i125185.