Assessment of Phenological and Yield Characteristics of Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh) Varieties

Iftisam Yaseen *

Division of Fruit Science, Sheri-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar Srinagar-190025, India.

Z. A. Bhat

Division of Fruit Science, Sheri-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar Srinagar-190025, India.

M. A. Mir

Division of Fruit Science, Sheri-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar Srinagar-190025, India.

A. H. Pandith

Division of Fruit Science, Sheri-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar Srinagar-190025, India.

S. A. Simnani

Division of Fruit Science, Sheri-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar Srinagar-190025, India.

Sajad A. Bhat

Division of Division of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Sheri-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar Srinagar-190025, India.

Fauzia Shafi

Division of Division of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Sheri-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar Srinagar-190025, India.

Tabish Jehan Been

Division of Fruit Science, Sheri-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Shalimar Srinagar-190025, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Phenology has gained recently a considerable emphasis as a method for assessing the impacts of changing climate on plant species. Shifting in phenological stages changes can have rippling impacts on environment. Quantifying the effects of these shifting changes on plants is therefore crucial. Knowledge of the dates and duration of particular phenological stages and their variations can be a valuable source of information for organizing, planning and implementation of some regular and special horticultural activities. The phenological study of apple is an essential component of the study as critical phenological stages of the apple are highly reliant on environment, they also have significant practical and scientific implications in the domain of selection. In particular, proper flowering and fruit ripening time are very critical to achieve optimum fruit yield and quality. Fruit yield is an important parameter that determines the acceptability of a cultivar by consumers. The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the apple varieties for their phenology and yield under Kashmir conditions. Four varieties viz., Super Chief, Red Chief, Gala Redlum and Mitch Gala were used for study. Phenological characteristics revealed that Mitch Gala was earliest in all the phenological stages and Super Chief was late. The blooming period of the studied varieties indicated the synchronizing behaviour of the varieties, which is a prerequisite for effective pollination and adequate fruit set. As far as flowering is concerned, Mitch Gala was earliest to bloom and Gala Redlum was late. Fruit production characteristics revealed that Gala Redlum and Mitch Gala. In terms of yield characteristics, highest yield of 20.58 kg/tree was recorded in Gala Redlum followed by 19.40 kg/tree in Mitch Gala.

Keywords: Apple, flowering, fruit, phenology, variety, yield

How to Cite

Yaseen, Iftisam, Z. A. Bhat, M. A. Mir, A. H. Pandith, S. A. Simnani, Sajad A. Bhat, Fauzia Shafi, and Tabish Jehan Been. 2024. “Assessment of Phenological and Yield Characteristics of Apple (Malus × Domestica Borkh) Varieties”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (12):270-79.