Evaluation of the Relative Efficacy of Alley Species with Respect to Hedge- row Persistence, Herbage Yield and Fuel Wood Production in Central Part of U.P., India

Umesh Dubey

a Department of Agronomy, Janta Mahavidyalaya, Ajitmal, Auraiya (U.P), India.

U.K. Mishra

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Janta Mahavidyalaya, Ajitmal, Auraiya (U.P), India.

B. K. Tripathi

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Janta Mahavidyalaya, Ajitmal, Auraiya (U.P), India.

Dharmendra Kumar

Department of Horticulture, Janta Mahavidyalaya, Ajitmal, Auraiya (U.P), India.

Yogesh Kumar *

Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Janta Mahavidyalaya, Ajitmal, Auraiya (U.P), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Field experiments were conducted at Malgawan Research Farm, Janta Mahavidyalaya Ajitmal Auraiya during two consecutive kharif seasons of 2022 and 2023 to evaluate the relative efficacy of Alley species with respect to hedge-row persistence, herbage yield and fuel wood production. Out of the two alley species tested viz. Leucaena leucocephalla and Sesbania sesban under Agro-forestry system, L. Leucocephalla for herbage production is good and it gives more herbage yield(119.59q/ha) than S.sesbane yielded 105.01q/ha, that fulfils fodder requirement and becomes best alternate of fodder during shortage of fodder. S.sesban for fuel wood production are recommended and yielded 42.55q/ha. It is higher than, L. Leucocephalla. Both the alley species be pruned prior to crop sowing in both the consecutive seasons and pruned material be added to the soil, increases soil fertility as well as organic carbon content in soil. Under P0 (No Pruning), the establishment and persistency were better than both the pruning management and P0 significantly increased the tree height 4.35meter than P1 & P2 1.91 &1.96 meter height respectively. The number of branches was significantly higher in S.sesban with no pruning (33.69) over both the pruning management P1 & P2 system in both seasons. The Relative growth rate kg/ha/day, fresh yield of pruning q/ha, dry matter yield of pruning q/ha, fuel wood production q/ha, leaf fodder production q/ha and N, P & K uptake q/ha were found more with L. Leucocephalla under treatment P2(pruning during crop growth and foliage used as forage) than P1 (pruning during crop growth and foliage added to soil) with N2 level of fertilizer than N0 & N1 fertilizers level respectively in both years mean basis.

Keywords: Alley species, herbage yield and fuel wood & relative efficiency

How to Cite

Dubey, Umesh, U.K. Mishra, B. K. Tripathi, Dharmendra Kumar, and Yogesh Kumar. 2024. “Evaluation of the Relative Efficacy of Alley Species With Respect to Hedge- Row Persistence, Herbage Yield and Fuel Wood Production in Central Part of U.P., India”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 36 (12):630-39. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2024/v36i125237.