Agronomic Performance of Experimental Poblano Chili Hybrids in Open-field Conditions in Coahuila, Mexico

José Antonio Huertos Ramírez

Department of Horticulture, Universidad Autonoma Agrarian Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, C.P. 25315 Saltillo, Mexico.

María del Pilar Marín Cortez

Department of Horticulture, Universidad Autonoma Agrarian Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, C.P. 25315 Saltillo, Mexico.

Francisco Alfonso Gordillo Melgoza

Center for Training and Development in Seed Technology, Department of Plant Breeding, Universidad Autonoma Agrarian Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, C.P. 25315 Saltillo, Mexico.

Antonio Flores Naveda

Center for Training and Development in Seed Technology, Department of Plant Breeding, Universidad Autonoma Agrarian Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, C.P. 25315 Saltillo, Mexico.

Ana Fernanda García Rodríguez

Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa, Av. Vasco de Quiroga 4871, Santa Fe Cuajimalpa, Mexico City, C.P.05348, Mexico.

Neymar Camposeco Montejo *

Center for Training and Development in Seed Technology, Department of Plant Breeding, Universidad Autonoma Agrarian Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, C.P. 25315 Saltillo, Mexico.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Objective: To evaluate the yield response of sixteen experimental poblano chili hybrids in open field in Coahuila, Mexico.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The treatment design and statistical model, was completely randomized with 16 treatments and four replicates each, analyzed with an ANOVA at p≤0.05 and a Tukey mean test at p≤0.05 to detect significant differences.

Results: In yield (g plant-1), the hybrids H-302 and H-402 were superior, while the number of fruits presented very similar values, in the variable average weight the hybrid H-402 presented better values, it is also observed that the length of the fruit, the hybrids H-303, H-304 and H-403 stand out for their size, The width of the base of the hybrids did not show statistical differences, it is observed that the width of the center of the fruit the hybrids H-101, H-103, H-104 and H-201 did not show differences, while the thickness of the mesocarp the hybrids H-303 and H-304 stood out, while the projection of the yield the hybrids H-302, H-304, H-402 and H-404 stood out. The number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, fruit length, mesocarp thickness and yield projection were the traits that most positively influenced poblano chile yield with correlations of 0.87, 0.64, 0.51, 0.55 and 1.

Findings/Conclusion: H-302, H-303 H-304, H-402 and H-404 can be concluded as the best performing among the 16 hybrids evaluated. The agronomic response of the experimental hybrids was variable in most of the traits, so the genetic potential of each one is different and is reflected in its phenotypic response in specific environmental conditions, with these findings could guide future breeding programs.

Keywords: Capsicum annuum, phenotype, attribute, quality, yield

How to Cite

Ramírez, José Antonio Huertos, María del Pilar Marín Cortez, Francisco Alfonso Gordillo Melgoza, Antonio Flores Naveda, Ana Fernanda García Rodríguez, and Neymar Camposeco Montejo. 2025. “Agronomic Performance of Experimental Poblano Chili Hybrids in Open-Field Conditions in Coahuila, Mexico”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 37 (1):241-50.