Effect of Different Sowing Dates on Growth and Yield of Three Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br) Cultivars in West Darfur Sudan
M. M. H. Bashir
Department of Agronmy, Faculty of Agricultural Studiesn, Sudan University of Science and Technology , El Geneina, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Sudan
S. O. Yagoub *
Department of Biology, Faculty of Education-Afif, Shaqra University, KSA
S. A. Ahmed Mohammed
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zalingei, Sudan
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aim: To study the effect of sowing dates on growth and yield of three pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br) cultivars.
Study Design: The treatments were arranged in split plot design with four replicates.
Place and Duration of Study: Field experiments were conducted for two consecutive seasons (2011/12 and 2012/13), in the rain-fed area of ELGeneina, West Darfur State, Sudan.
Methodology: Sowings were applied throughout four sowing intervals namely: S1 = first sowing date in July 19th in season one and July 5th in season two, S2 = second sowing date in July 25th in season one and July 10th in season two, S3 = third sowing date in July 31th in season one and July 16th in season two, S4 = fourth sowing date in August 6 in season one and July 22th in season two. The three pearl millet cultivars were; Dembi (V1), Bauoda (V2) and Hariri (V3).
Results: The results obtained showed significant difference for the majority of growth and yield parameters except in stem diameters for two seasons. In general, among cultivars almost (Hariri) showed the weakest growth, mean while, (Dembi) and (Bauoda) had stronger growth and yield. The best sowing dates for all parameters were the S1 first sowing date (first July). while, V1S1 and V2S1 showed the greatest values for two seasons.
Conclusion: Under this condition of Sudan early sowing date (first and mid July) is the best optimum dates in term of growth and yield of millet, while Dembi and Bauoda cultivars can be recommended as good yielding cultivars.
Keywords: Sowing date, growth, yield, pearl millet, cultivars