Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Zinc Foliar Application on Growth, Yield, Yield Attributes and Some Chemical Constituents of Groundnut
S. F. El-Habbasha *
Field Crops Research, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Two field trials were carried out at the Agricultural Production and Research Station, NRC, Egypt, during the two successive summer seasons 2012 and 2013, to study the effect of combination between nitrogen fertilizer and foliar zinc application on growth, yield attributes and chemical constituents of groundnut seeds. Different treatments show significant differences in the both growth samples however, 120N kg.ha-1+1000 mg.L-1 zinc surpassed in most studied characters with no significant difference between this treatment and treatment 120N kg.ha-1+750mg.L-1 zinc in all studied characters. Increasing foliar zinc application from 0 to 1000mg.L-1 significantly increased all yield and yield attributes with the two nitrogen rates (60 and 120N kg.ha-1). Increasing foliar zinc application from 500 to 1000mg.L-1 with 60N kg.ha-1 shows significant differences in most studied characters, except weight of seeds.plant-1, 100-pod weight, 100-seed weight and pods yield.ha-1. Increasing foliar zinc application from 750 to 1000mg.L-1 with 120N kg.ha-1 shows significant differences in most of studied characters, except weight of seeds.plant-1, 100-pod weight and 100-seed weight. Significant differences between treatments in seed protein content, NP seed concentration and NK straw concentration.
Keywords: Nitrogen fertilization, foliar zinc application, Arachis hypogaea.