Effect of Wastes on Selected Soil Properties in Abakaliki Southeastern Nigeria

C. Njoku *

Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, Ebonyi State University, P.M.B. 053, Abakaliki, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Soil samples were collected from three different dumpsites and a non-dumpsite (control) and used for the determination of the effect of waste dumpsites on selected soil properties. Treatments were replicated five times and data collected were analysed using ANOVA for RCBD and means separated using F-LSD. Results showed a significant (P>0.05) change in all the soil properties studied in all the dumpsites. Non-dumpsite recorded the highest bulk density of 1.49gcm-3. This observed bulk density was higher than the bulk density in municipal, rice mill and timber waste dumpsites by 32, 12 and 21%, respectively. The order of increase in the total porosity is municipal waste dumpsite > timber waste dumpsite > rice mill waste dumpsite > non-dumpsite. Non-dumpsite recorded the lowest value of moisture content which was lower than that municipal, rice mill and timber waste dumpsites by 133, 54 and 111%, respectively. The order of increase in the value of Pb is Rice mill waste dumpsite > Municipal waste dumpsite > Timber waste dumpsite > Non-dumpsite. The lowest value of Cu was recorded in non-dumpsite. This recorded value was lower than Cu in municipal, rice mill and timber waste dumpsites by 71, 79 and 50%, respectively. Non-dumpsite also recorded the lowest value of Cd concentration of 0.6mgkg-1 while that of dumpsites ranged between 0.65 – 0.80mgkg-1 with rice mill waste dumpsite recording the highest value. The order of increase in SO42- is timber waste dumpsite > municipal waste dumpsite > rice mill waste dumpsite>non-dumpsite. Non-dumpsite recorded the lowest NO3- value of 0.25gkg-1. This observed NO3- value was higher than the concentration of NO3- in municipal, rice mill and timber waste dumpsites by 20, 112 and 24%, respectively. . Similarly, the lowest NH4+ content of 0.36gkg-1 was recorded in non-dumpsite whereas that of dumpsites ranged between 0.42 – 0.62gkg-1. The result showed that waste dumpsites improve soil properties without causing any harmful effect to the soil. Therefore, organic wastes should be used as a substitute for inorganic fertilizers to amend and improve soil properties.

Keywords: Dumpsite, improvement, organic waste and soil properties

How to Cite

Njoku, C. 2014. “Effect of Wastes on Selected Soil Properties in Abakaliki Southeastern Nigeria”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 4 (1):94-99. https://doi.org/10.9734/IJPSS/2015/12604.