Improving Pollination Process of Samani Date Palm Cultivar Using the Bio-Activator Milagro Stimcrop
Malaka A. Saleh
Department of Pomology Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, P.O. Box 12622, Giza, Egypt.
M.S. El- Shamma *
Department of Pomology Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, P.O. Box 12622, Giza, Egypt.
Omaima M. M. Hafez
Department of Pomology Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, P.O. Box 12622, Giza, Egypt.
Essam A. Mostafa
Department of Pomology Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, P.O. Box 12622, Giza, Egypt.
M. M. Naguib
Department of Pomology Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, P.O. Box 12622, Giza, Egypt.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This study was carried out during two successive seasons 2011 & 2012 for improving pollination process of Samani date palm cultivar grown in sandy soil of private orchard located at Abo-Rawash region, El-Giza Governorate, Egypt. Uniform date palms 20 years old were treated for three times i.e. (i) pollen grains, (ii) Millagro Stimcrop and (iii) Pollen grains with Milagro Stimcrop. The first was applied in dust form as soon as female inflorescence opened. The second and third were applied after month and two months from initial treatment using the same rates. Effect of the bio- activator Milagro Stimcrop on improving pollination process, yield and fruit quality was assessed.
Results showed the different treatments markedly improved pollination process, yield and fruit quality of Samani date palm. The best results were achieved as 1g pollen grain was combined with 1g Milagro Stimcrop which recorded the highest significant values for fruit set and retained fruits. Also, the physical and chemical characteristics of fruits expressed by fruit shape, weight, volume, flesh value, bunch weight and yield/tree as well as SSC %, reducing sugars and total sugars were markedly enhanced. This means that the bio-activator Milagro Stimcrop has a good stimulant action for improving pollination process, yield and fruit quality of Samani date palm cultivar as combined with pollen grains in dust form at rate (1g+1g), besides its environmentally safe effect as non-chemical tool.
Keywords: Date palm, samani cv, pollination, fruit quality, milagro Stimcrop, yield