Residual Effect of Segregated and Unsegregated Urban Solid Waste Compost on Quality of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)

Roohi .

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore-65, India

H. C. Prakasha

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore-65, India

Hari Mohan Meena *

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore-65, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the residual effect of segregated and unsegregated urban solid waste compost on chlorophyll content, crude fiber and crude protein in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) during kharif-2016 in Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, University of Agricultural Sciences, Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra, Bangalore (India). The results revealed that chlorophyll content, crude fiber and crude protein content were significantly improved by the application of 100% NPK + segregated urban solid waste compost (10 t ha-1) followed by 100% NPK + unsegregated urban solid waste compost (10 t ha-1) as compared to the treatment which includes only inorganics.

Keywords: Residual, segregated, unsegregated urban solid waste compost;, chlorophyll content, crude fiber, crude protein and cowpea

How to Cite

., Roohi, H. C. Prakasha, and Hari Mohan Meena. 2018. “Residual Effect of Segregated and Unsegregated Urban Solid Waste Compost on Quality of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 21 (4):1-6.