Born in Czech Republic in 1967. The absolvent of Mendel University in Brno (1989, MSc. Degree). Working in Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation (RISWC) in Prague since 1990. The head of the Department of Soil Hygiene (2000 – 2010), the Deputy Director for Research and Development (2011-2017) and Director of RISWC since 2017. Ph.D. degree in 2002. The Associate Professor of Pedology degree on Czech University of Life Sciences (2009). Working on the field of soil contamination by potentially risky elements and persistent organic pollutants. The member of international organisations IUSS and SECOTOX, the member of national Scientific Committee for Phytosanitary and Environment, the member of the board of Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the board of Czech Pedological Society, the member of Scientific Council of RISWC and the member of Scientific Council and committee for Ph.D. study of Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Nature Sources of Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. The member of editorial board of 5 international journals. Published about 50 scientific articles, periodically active participation in national and international conferences.