Correlation Analysis for Leaf Pubescence, Leaf Micro-macro Nutrient Content and MYMV Disease Index in Blackgramgenotypes (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)

B. Rajitha *

Department of Crop Physiology, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, A.P, India.

V. Rajarajeswari

Department of Crop Physiology, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, A.P, India.

P. Sudhakar

Department of Crop Physiology, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati-517502, A.P, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present field study was conducted to characterize the blackgram genotypes based on morpho and nutrient content under yellow mosaic virus disease infection. The present investigation was carried out with ten blackgram genotypes (5 known tolerant + 5 known susceptible) in Randomized Block Design (RBD) during summer 2018. Experimental crop was affected by yellow mosaic virus (YMV) naturally at 30 DAS. No management practices were taken for controlling of whitefly population during crop season. Correlation studies were done at 50 DAS which helps to find out the most resistant and most susceptible genotypes among ten backgram genotypes based on leaf pubescence and nutrient content in leaf. Leaf pubescence is one of the most important resistant factors in a number of crops and Minerals, apart from being a vital part of the plant nutrition, may manifest certain maladies in the plants either through disturbing normal metabolism and physiology of the plants or by favouring or by discouraging the plant pathogens, if in excess or otherwise deficient.

Correlation analysis of present field investigation revealed that blackgram genotypes showed strong negative correlation for leaf pubescence, leaf Phosphorous (P) and leaf potassium (K) content with percentage disease index (PDI%) as well as strong positive correlation for leaf Nitrogen (N), leaf Iron (Fe) and leaf Zinc (Zn) content under YMV.

Keywords: Blackgram, YMV, leaf pubescence, micro and macro nutrients, correlation

How to Cite

Rajitha, B., V. Rajarajeswari, and P. Sudhakar. 2021. “Correlation Analysis for Leaf Pubescence, Leaf Micro-Macro Nutrient Content and MYMV Disease Index in Blackgramgenotypes (Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 33 (8):47-54.