Stability of Aggregates and the Processes that Help in Their Formation and Stabilization

Andréia da Paz Schiller *

State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Program of Post-Graduation in Agronomy, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Pernambuco Street n.1777, 85960-000, Paraná State, Brazil.1

Jéssica Manfrin

State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Program of Post-Graduation in Agronomy, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Pernambuco Street n.1777, 85960-000, Paraná State, Brazil.

Daniele Cristina Schons Eckhardt

State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Program of Post-Graduation in Agronomy, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Pernambuco Street n.1777, 85960-000, Paraná State, Brazil.

Edleusa Pereira Seidel

State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Agrarian Science Center, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Pernambuco Street n. 1777, 85960-000, Paraná State, Brazil.

Maria do Carmo Lana

State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Agrarian Science Center, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Pernambuco Street n. 1777, 85960-000, Paraná State, Brazil.

Affonso Celso Gonçalves Jr

State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Agrarian Science Center, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Pernambuco Street n. 1777, 85960-000, Paraná State, Brazil.

Marinez Carpiski Sampaio

State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Program of Post-Graduation in Agronomy, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Pernambuco Street n.1777, 85960-000, Paraná State, Brazil.

Carlos Augusto Rocha de Moraes Rego

State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), Campus of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Program of Post-Graduation in Agronomy, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Pernambuco Street n.1777, 85960-000, Paraná State, Brazil.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Several soil functions depend on their physical properties, such as, soil structure, porosity, and the distribution of aggregates. Despite the importance that aggregates have, little is known about the dynamics and the behavior during their formation and stabilization. In this way, the present study aimed to gather information about the formation, and the maintenances of aggregates stability, searching factors that influence in their aggregation, aiming to provide information to understand the dynamics of the formation of these aggregates in soil. It was observed several physical, chemical and biological processes, such as the wetting and drying processes, organic matter contents, quantity of iron and aluminum oxides, clays, root system of plants and the activity of organisms and microorganisms, as well as the interrelations between them. It was also observed that the removal of vegetation coverage and insertion of agricultural crops are factors that influences significantly in the conditions of the aggregates present in soil. Moreover, some conservation practices of land use and management may increase the stability of the aggregates in relation to the conventional managements, such as no-tillage, crop husbandry integration, rotations and successions of crops, which positively influences the aggregation and stabilization of the aggregates. Therefore, the aforementioned processes, allied to the adoption of conservation and use practices can promote sustainability and improve the quality of agricultural soils, as well as being able to generate benefits in productivity, a factor so much important today. 

Keywords: Soil physical properties, soil aggregation, soil conservation;, aggregate stability

How to Cite

Schiller, Andréia da Paz, Jéssica Manfrin, Daniele Cristina Schons Eckhardt, Edleusa Pereira Seidel, Maria do Carmo Lana, Affonso Celso Gonçalves Jr, Marinez Carpiski Sampaio, and Carlos Augusto Rocha de Moraes Rego. 2018. “Stability of Aggregates and the Processes That Help in Their Formation and Stabilization”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 22 (5):1-14.