Influence of Poultry Droppings on Soil Chemical Properties and Performance of Rice (Oriza sativa L.) in Sokoto, Sudan Savanna Zone of Nigeria

M. Audu

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Usmanu dan Fodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

M. Haliru *

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Usmanu dan Fodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

A. M. Isah

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, Usmanu dan Fodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Proper management of poultry manure could serve as a sustainable source of fertilizer for increased rice production in Sokoto State of Nigeria. As a result, an experiment was conducted in a screen house at the Botanical Garden, Department of Biological Science, Sokoto State Polytechnic, to determine the influence of poultry dropping on some chemical properties of soil and performance of rice (Oriza sativa L.). The treatments consisted of three levels of poultry dropping: 2, 5 and 10tha-1 and a control (without fertilizer). The experiment was laid in a completely randomized design (CRD) replicated three times. Plant parameters like plant height, number of tillers and number of leaves were taken fortnightly until harvest at 16th week after planting (WAP). Grain and stalk yield were taken at harvest. The nutrient composition of the soil samples and poultry droppings used was determined using standard laboratory procedures. The result revealed that application of poultry manure had significant (P<0.05) effect on soil organic carbon, available phosphorus, exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na), CEC and rice performance in which application of 10 tha-1recorded the highest rice stalk and grain yield. This research therefore, concluded that application of poultry dropping is an important means of improving soil fertility and that, application of 10 tha-1 can bring about high growth performance and yield of rice in the study area.


Keywords: Poultry droppings, levels, soil, rice and Sudan savanna

How to Cite

Audu, M., M. Haliru, and A. M. Isah. 2015. “Influence of Poultry Droppings on Soil Chemical Properties and Performance of Rice (Oriza Sativa L.) in Sokoto, Sudan Savanna Zone of Nigeria”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 7 (2):128-35.